Italy. Doors I Wish I Saw.

A good friend of mine recently went to Italy. While there, she enjoyed the culture, food and people. She also noticed some doors.

Because she is a good friend, she is aware of my obsession love for doors. So naturally, she sent me a few pictures of some truly elegant, grand doors.

So in honor of doors, friends and world travel, here are my friend’s pictures of Italy doors. (Thank you W!)

Though not nearly as grand, here is an American door from a recent walk-a-bout in a downtown Atlanta neighborhood, which is a prelude to next week’s door post: A Walk Through Castleberry Hill with Norm. Yes, that is right, I met our door cult challenge leader, Norm 2.0, himself! We went off on a doorscrusion, took way too many pictures and had a good chat. (Thanks again Norm!)


So stay tuned to next Thursday for doors and more with Norm.

Meanwhile, click on over to Norm’s page and see what he is posting today.


For Norm 2.0’s Thursday Door Challenge.

10 thoughts on “Italy. Doors I Wish I Saw.

  1. I think I mentioned to someone else recently that from what little I have seen in my own travels and in the pics of others, Italy and France seem to contain about 80% of the world’s prettiest old doors.
    And thanks again for that fun doorscursion in Atlanta 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It does seem to be a mecca of doors from the comments and pictures I have seen thus far. Of course, my journalistic nature would need to confirm this in person to be able to state that as a personally known fact. That means I HAVE to go visit for sure.

      Oh yes! I am so glad we could find a time to make the doorscursion work, and that I met my first blogger in real life!

      Liked by 1 person

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